Data collection and analysis

Coordination of the GIHSN, supervision of implementation and data management/data hosting are supported by Impact Healthcare, an independent organization based in Paris, France, specializing in the strategic and operational management of large innovative projects in Digital Health and the use of Health data, both in France and internationally.

To comply with regulations on data access and privacy, the Foundation for Influenza Epidemiology set up a data access framework. Impact Healthcare is the Data Controller for the GIHSN (jointly with Fondation de France). Impact Healthcare is proposing an online data collection tool to ensure timely data sharing on the GIHSN platform.

The GIHSN database is hosted in a secured environment (certified secured hosting for health personal data). Data are processed in full accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and French data protection regulations.

Sites implementing the GIHSN protocol should be compliant with their ethical and national regulations for conducting the surveillance. Any obligation related to data protection and data transfer to Impact Healthcare platform should be anticipated.

With respect to existing WHO surveillance capacities, all data collected through the GIHSN Study questionnaires will be shared with corresponding National Influenza Centres and/or with WHO Collaborating Centres for Reference and Research on Influenza. Influenza strain genetic sequencing data will be shared via GISAID.

Data collected by sites receiving funding remains the proprietary of the site. There is no commercial use of the data. Donors of the Foundation for Influenza Epidemiology, who include, as of May 2023, Sanofi, Seqirus, Illumina, Abbott Diagnostics, do not have access to the data. The data are transferred through a secured channel and the site has full access to the data through a secured platform managed by Impact Healthcare.

Impact Healthcare is given access to the GIHSN data for epidemiologic research fulfilling the three following conditions:

  • Analyses can only be performed for research purposes in line with the mandate of the Foundation (i.e. surveillance and monitoring of influenza and other respiratory viruses).
  • Analyses are exclusively performed with pseudonymised data.
  • Any analyses plan will need to be approved beforehand by the Independent Scientific Committee of the Foundation.

Analysis results will be submitted for publication. Scientific publications and communications will mention contributing sites, with investigators names in the authorship, in line with the ICMJE rules.
Sites will be informed upfront for any planned data analysis beyond the routine annual pooled analysis, and they have the possibility to opt-out.

Download the Data sharing agreement template

Protocol and questionnaires::May 2023

A core protocol is shared between sites allowing comparison and pooling of results between sites. This is a multi-centre, prospective, active surveillance, hospital-based epidemiological study.

Download the Protocol 2023-2024

Download the questionnaire 2023-2024

The protocol was updated after the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. Please find here the previous versions.

Download the Protocol 2022-2023

Download the questionnaire 2022-2023

Download the Protocol 2021-2022

Download the questionnaire 2021-2022

Download the protocol 2020-2021

Download the questionnaire 2020-2021 – Patients less than 5 years of age

Download the questionnaire 2020-2021 – Patients 5 years of age and more

Impact Healthcare

Guiding principles

The GIHSN is a network of several sites affiliated with national health authorities. See map of sites.

Sites are selected based on their motivation, geographic representativeness, ability to conduct epidemiological studies, availability of laboratory facilities, and expertise in influenza surveillance. Each coordinating site supervises a group of one to several hospitals in its country or geographical region and follows a core reference protocol.

Independence and ownership

All study sites are public partners and they have full ownership of the data they generate. The Foundation has access to the results but not to the raw data.

Capacity building and sustainability

This is a long term initiative planned to be renewed every year pending satisfactory output and budget availability.

Data collection and analysis

Coordination of the network and operational implementation, including data collection & hosting, is supported by an independent organization:

Impact Healthcare

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